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Oxygen Teaching 2127

SN instructed patient / caregiver about a few simple precautions that can be taken to create a safe home environment when using oxygen. Post signs in every room where oxygen is in use. Make sure that absolutely no smoking occurs in the home or in the car when oxygen is in use. Secure an oxygen cylinder to a solidly fixed object to avoid creating a missile out of the tank. This might happen if it was accidentally knocked over and gas was allowed to escape. Use caution with oxygen tubing so you do not trip over it or become entangled in furniture. Be familiar with the equipment and the safety checks established by the medical equipment provider. Keep their contact telephone numbers, and the numbers for other emergency services, posted near a phone. Do not try to repair broken equipment on your own. Request this service from the oxygen provider. Make sure smoke detectors in the home are working. Have fresh batteries installed. Perform monthly checks. Have a fire extinguisher available in the home as well ( Use type ABC ). Create and practice an escape and rescue plan in the event of a fire. Notify the local fire department, gas and electric companies and telephone company when home oxygen therapy is started. Request a "priority service listing". This is for those times when there is a power or telephone failure or repairs are needed on any utility.

Walker safety Teaching 2139

Sn instructed patient in walker safety. When you stand wait one minute before attempting to walk. Do not take a step until all 4 legs of the walker are level on the ground. Do not place the walker too far ahead of you. Keep the walker’s back legs even with your toes. Always look forward at your path, don’t look down at your feet. To get up from a seat, do not pull up on your walker. Push up from your seat. Do not lean forward over your walker. Work at keeping good posture. Be careful when you walk from a tile or hardwood floor to a carpeted floor. Do not use your walker on stairs or on an escalator. Check the rubber tips on the legs of your walker often. Replace the tips when they become worn. Patient verbalized understanding of teaching.

Seizures Teaching 2038

Sn instructed patient on seizures and precautions for safety at home. replace glass tables or furniture with wood, glass can break and cause injury, leave interior doors open, don't take shower unless someone is in the house and make sure family and friends are aware of your seizures and know what to do to help if you have a seizure. Notify nurse or Physician if seizures occur. If a grand mal seizure occurs go to ED after recovery.

Walker safety Teaching 2374

Instructed patient to remember that shorter "trips" take planning too: Any time you leave your home whether it’s a one-hour drive to visit friends or a ten-minute walk to get groceries you will need to bring your backup controller and power sources with you, plus any medications you’re scheduled to take. Understanding was verbalized.

General information Teaching 2601

SN instructed patient about how you will need to continue these exercises at home.When you are able to perform certain tasks, such as getting out of bed alone and using the bathroom, you will be able to go home. You may need to use a cane or walker for a short period of time after your operation.

Diabetes Teaching 1599

SN assessment done on all body systems. Checked blood sugar daily monitoring on patient's log book, hydration, dietary, and medication compliance. Instructed patient on keeping blood glucose within normal range and preventing the development of long-term complication. Careful monitoring of diet, exercise and blood sugar levels are as important as the use of oral medications in preventing complications of diabetes. Also taught infection control, safety/fall precautions and preventions, and to contact MD for any emergency and/or medical concerns and changes.

Fall precautions Teaching 2314

Patient instructed on fall safety precautions to include: locking w/c before transfers, use assistive device for mobility at all times, make sure walkways are free of clutter, & well lit, do not walk around barefoot or in socks, avoid using rugs, use non slip rug in bath tub & use shower chair for bathing.

Nephrostomy Teaching 2382

Patient was explained that having a nephrostomy tube in for a long time increases the risk of getting an infection. Nephrostomy tube care focuses on preventing infection. Follow-up care is a key part of your treatment and safety. Be sure to make and go to all appointments, and call your doctor or nurse call line if you are having problems. It's also a good idea to know your test results and keep a list of the medicines you take.. understanding was verbalized

Jackson Pratt drain Teaching 2389

Instructed patient It recommended that you safety pin the drainage bottle to your clothing during the day and to your clothes during the night. Allow enough slack to Prevent the tube from being pulled do up or from pulling on the drain sutures.

General teaching Teaching 88

Instructed in home ambulation with cane, clear pathways, falls precautions, good lighting, non skid shoes, etc.